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Sahithyan's S2
Sahithyan's S2 — Data Structure Algorithms



A recursive algorithm or function is a algorithm or function that calls itself directly or indirectly to solve a smaller version of its task. Recursion requires terminating or base conditions.

Divide & Conquer

  • Divide: Split a problem into smaller sub-problems
  • Conquer: Solve a subset of smaller sub-problems recursively
  • Combine: Combine the solutions to solve the initial problem


  • Binary search
  • Merge sort
  • Quick sort
  • Depth-first tree traversals


Recurrence relation

A mathematical expression that describes overall cost of the problem in terms of the cost of solving smaller sub problems.

Substitution method

The form of the solution is guessed and then verified by induction. Then the constants are solved for.

Iteration method

Aka. recursion-tree method. Good for generating guesses for substituion method but can be unreliable.

Master theorem

Applies to recurrences of the form: whern and is asymptotically positive.

Case 1

If for some then

Case 2

If then

Case 3

If for some and where then