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Sahithyan's S2
Sahithyan's S2 — Data Structure Algorithms

Introduction to Algorithms

Revise S1 for algorithms.

Defines how input is mapped to output, where input and output are both representation of data. Has a well-defined procedure. A step-by-step method of solving a computational task. Algorithms are studied to easily understand and solve problems in the best way.

Computational task

A group of tasks with varying inputs.

Algorithm specification

Algorithms are explained in either:

  • Flowcharts
    A diagram that shows a flow of control.
    • Terminals - rounded rectangles, represents start or end of the algorithm
    • Input/Output - parallelogram
    • Process/Stored data - rectangles
    • Decision - diamond
  • Pseudocode
  • Program listing


Properties of sorting

  • Comparison / Non Comparison - In non-comparison based sorting, elements of array are not compared with each other to find the sorted array.
  • In-place/Outplace technique – A sorting technique is inplace if it does not use any extra memory to sort the array.
  • Online/Offline technique – A sorting technique is considered Online if it can accept new data while the procedure is ongoing i.e. complete data is not required to start the sorting operation.
  • Stable/Unstable technique – A sorting technique is stable if it does not change the order of elements with the same value.

Bubble sort

  • Offline
  • Stable
  • No extra memory needed
  • Time complexity -

Insertion sort

  • Online
  • Stable
  • No extra memory needed
  • Time complexity
    • Average:

Merge sort

  • Online
  • Stable
  • additional memory needed
  • Time complexity -


Faster than merge sort.

  • Online
  • Usually not stable. Stability depends on the partitioning strategy
  • additional memory needed
  • Avg. time complexity -

Worst case () occurs when the partition scheme is bad and the list is almost sorted.

Heap sort

Slower than quick sort.

  • Not stable
  • No additional space required
  • Avg. time complexity -

Tim sort

Created by Tim Peters. A highly optimized version of merge sort.

  • Online
  • Stable
  • additional memory needed
  • Time complexity -


Begins with quick sort. In large lists, switches to heap sort. The switch happens when the recursion depth of quick sort exceeds a level proportional to the log of the input size. Switches to insertion sort, once the partition size is small enough.

  • Not stable
  • extra memory
  • Time complexity
    • Worst:
    • Average: