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Sahithyan's S2
Sahithyan's S2 — Computer Organization And Digital Design

Encoders & Decoders

Encoders and decoders are essential components that facilitate efficient data transmission by reducing the number of data lines required. Falls under medium-scale integrated (MSI) circuits group.


Converts multiple input signals into a single output signal with fewer lines, typically in binary or base systems. Have inputs and outputs where .

Priority Encoder

When 2 or more input lines are activated in a priority encoder, the input having the highest priority will take precedence. An improvement over simple encoder at the cost of extra logic. Used in interrupt controllers.

Decimal to BCD Encoder

Converts each digit of a decimal number into its 4-bit binary equivalent. For example, ‘12’ becomes ‘0001’ and ‘0100’.

Octal to Binary Encoder

Converts octal digits (each represented by 3 bits) into binary. Example: Octal ‘23’ becomes binary ‘0010 0111’.

Hexadecimal to Binary Encoder

Converts each hex digit (represented by 4 bits) into binary. Example: ‘A’ becomes ‘1010’.


Opposite of encoder. Have inputs and outputs where .