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Sahithyan's S2
Sahithyan's S2 — Computer Organization And Digital Design

Combinational Logical Circuits


Karnaugh Map

A diagram which can be used to reduce a truth table of inputs and output to a boolean expression.

  • Sketch an empty with (1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2, or 2 vs 2 …)
    • If the variables in a row or column is more than 2, they must be arranged in gray code.
  • Populate the map with given values
  • Group the 1s according to K-map rules

Then the boolean expression can be derived.

Sum of Products

  • Pick all the 1s
  • Construct literals using the inputs, AND operator, so that they result in a 1.
  • Sum all those operators


A product of literals.

Product of Sums

  • Pick all the 0s
  • Construct literals using the inputs, OR operator, so that they result in a 0.
  • Join all those literals using AND operator


A sum of literals.